Kind Words from Clients

Ernest R. Roberts, PE, PMP

The Law of Biblical Mechanics book cover: brown background of mechanical cogs; orange and write lettering.
Ernest Roberts, a Black man in tan suit and tie. His hands are folded in front of him and he is looking to the right with a mischievous smile.

“Publishing a book is more than a notion. In fact, it’s a lot more than I thought! This was my first book, and I just hated the whole time-consuming process of editing—all the back and forth…

“But I wanted the best product I could put forward, and Karin helped me create it. She’s a great communicator and really knows her stuff. And the cover is amazing!

“Having a book is huge for me—and I am so proud of this book!”

Ernest R. Roberts III is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) and certified Project Management Professional (PMP) with 30+ years of design, construction engineering, and management experience in the public and private sectors. His book, The Law of Biblical Mechanics: Principles and Processes for Management and Stewardship is available online at AmazonBarnes & Noble, and other retailers.

Ann Marie Sabath, author

The Wannabe Investor book cover: gold background with rust-red trim and white text
Ann Marie, a white woman with shoulder length brown hair, wearing bright colors

“RQP… The three most important qualities in business are Responsiveness, Quality, and Price. If you are looking for someone who has those qualities in their DNA, Karin Wiberg is the person, hands down!

“Karin was worth every penny—and more. I was referred to her three years ago and recommended her to two first-time author friends as I was writing my eleventh book. I quickly learned that neither author-in-the-making liked working with Karin—they LOVED it! No kidding!

“When my manuscript was ready to be edited, I figured out their fascination with her. I saw her work ethic in practice right off the bat: she insisted on every ‘i’ being dotted and ‘t’ being crossed from the get-go. Yes, Karin really owns her clients’ projects.

“Finally, it’s one thing to know an industry; however, explaining it is an entirely different matter—and something many experts do not do effectively. Admittedly, Karin is the first person in many years with whom I was not afraid to share my vulnerability or lack of knowledge. She exhibited enormous patience as she held my hand—virtually—through a lot of learning and new technology.

“I highly recommend Karin and her team at Clear Sight Books, but do me a favor: don’t hire her in January 2026, because that’s when my next book will be ready—and I want her all to myself!”

Ann Marie Sabath is the author of an astonishing eleven books, including The Wannabe Investor: 40 Must-Know Facts Before Buying Your First Stock, which is available at  AmazonBarnes & NobleIndieBound, and other retailers.

William C. Lam, elite wrestling coach, nonprofit founder

Bill Lam wearing a purple sweater, sitting in front of a garden with red flowers, and looking into the distance.
Front cover of Overtime, with the author wearing a white polo with UNC logo on it and standing by white columns with vegetation in the background.

“I’m a wrestling coach, not a writer, so when I decided to publish my memoir, I knew I needed help. Karin was just the coach (and editor and publisher) I needed. She was understanding, patient, and easy to work with. No matter the question, she found a solution. When I had doubts, she built me up. When I was worried I didn’t have enough worth saying and felt like I should quit, she kept encouraging me: ‘You are getting closer. We’re almost there. You’re going to be proud of your book when it’s done.’ And she just kept going until the project was done—and done right.

“I am getting nothing but great reports on my book. People tell me how much they like the message, how much they love the inside design, how much they enjoy the photos. Readers recognize what a high-quality product Karin and her team produced. I could have used someone cheaper, but my book wouldn’t have been as good. It’s like hamburger versus New York strip—you get what you pay for!

“Creating a book is a long, intense, and sometimes intimidating process, so maybe the most important part of the experience was that working with Karin didn’t feel like a work relationship—it felt like a friendship.”

Bill Lam coached for thirty years at the University of North Carolina, putting its wrestling team on the map. During his time at UNC, Lam also mentored young coaches, including some of the most prominent names in the sport today. He continues building leaders and impacting lives with his nonprofit organization, Wrestling with Life ( His book, Overtime: The Three Periods of a Champion and What Comes After, can be found online at Amazon, Barnes & NobleIndieBound, and other retail sites.

Caitlin Massone, neurologist, ultra runner & mountaineer

“I had a great experience working with Karin on my manuscript critique. As this is my first time writing, I was nervous to share with anyone but she made it a comfortable space. She is easy to talk to and very knowledgeable about all aspects of writing and publishing. Her insights and critique have really helped my writing process, and I hope to work with her for final editing once I’m ready!”

When Caitlin is not practicing medicine, she’s training for extreme sports—ultra marathons and mountain climbing—and the combination of topics is going to make an interesting book!

Philippos Aristotelous, consultant, speaker & coach

Philippos Aristotelous, man with a beard wearing a white shirt and gray suit coat
The MARVEL of Happiness book cover: a sky blue background with a yellow balloon

“While doing some research on how to publish my first book and how to select an editor, I came across a really interesting blog post Karin wrote. I sent an email inquiry and just a few hours later received Karin’s reply. I was truly impressed by her initial response to an otherwise plain-vanilla inquiry about a fee for editing the draft manuscript of my book. Karin invested effort to perform background research on me, checking my website and blog to see what I and my business are all about. The result? A fully customised and value-centred approach that left me with no option but to retain her to edit my book as well as help with production.

“Well worth it is all I can say. Karin took me by the hand from day one, guided me throughout the incredible learning experience of writing and publishing a book, and helped me bring this project to fruition. Karin’s genuine care, passion, dedication and professionalism in her art cannot be overstated.”

After a notable career at Cyprus’s largest law firm, Philippos is now a business consultant who helps professional organizations bring their vision into focus and their values into clarity. His books, The MARVEL of Engagement and The MARVEL of Happiness (Second Edition), are available on Amazon. 

John Dues, Chief Learning Officer

John Dues, a white man smiling and wearing a blue shirt , standing in a classroom
Win-Win book cover, white background with blue text and a blue border

Winner of the 2024 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award

“Working with Karin was a turning point on the way to publishing my first book, Win-Win: W. Edwards Deming, the System of Profound Knowledge, and the Science of Improving Schools. Prior to partnering with Karin, I had spoken with a number of authors with whom she had previously worked. Their feedback to me was that Karin was top notch, and after working with her, I found their assessment to be spot on.

“When we first started working together, I had a 70,000-word rough draft that was nowhere near ready for submission to a publisher, and I had no idea how to get it into publish-worthy form. In just a few weeks of work with Karin, I knew exactly what needed to be done. Her feedback was direct, clear, and delivered warmly; what I consider to be the perfect combination for a skilled editor. Not only did she help me from an editing standpoint, she also had quite a bit of technical feedback on the content because of her prior experience in the process improvement world. This rare combination turned out to be exactly what I needed to get my book project across the finish line. I hold Karin in the highest regard and would recommend her to anyone who needs an editing partner!”

After nearly three years of work, John’s book was published in April 2023 by Myers Education Press. Win‑Win is available on the publisher’s website as well as IndieBoundBarnes & NobleAmazon, and other online retailers.

Barbara McKinnon, MDiv

Barbara McKinnon, white woman with short blond hair, wearing print pink jacket
Book cover of She Found Her Voice - young woman at left with floral motif and handwriting in the background; title in bright pink

“Working with Karin Wiberg as the editor and publisher of She Found Her Voice has been an absolute pleasure. Karin was warm and supportive from the very beginning, providing the sympathetic guidance and frequent reassuring comments that helped me feel confident about my writing and the worth of my project. Her attention to detail and her commitment to ensuring that the book was of the highest quality greatly improved the overall quality of the final product. Her expertise in the publishing industry was invaluable, and her ability to guide the project through to publication made the experience seamless. I highly recommend Karin to anyone looking for an editor or publisher who is professional, knowledgeable, and passionate about their work.”

She Found Her Voice, Barbara’s biography of her mother, Nancy Evans Roles, can be found at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, and other online retailers.

Sally K. Norton, vitality coach & health consultant

An Amazon Best Seller: #1,035 in Books, #1 in Whole Foods Diets, #2 in Pain Management, #3 in Detox & Cleansing Diets (May 2024)

“When I got a contract with a major publisher, I knew I would need help making sure I finished writing my book by the deadline. The writing process felt like torture at times, and on top of that, I wrote most of the book during the pandemic, which made things doubly challenging. Karin became a really important part of my being able to get through the process.

“Besides keeping me moving forward, she taught me valuable writers’ tricks and sharpened my eye for clarity. This book is heavy on science and my biggest worry was how to make it readable. Now that the book is out, I am getting feedback that people are finding it an easy read. They’re getting a firehose of information and are still able to read it in two or three days. So we pulled it off!

“I’m really lucky that I connected with Karin. She’s such a big part of the story of the book . . . We did great work together. I think in ten years she’s going to look back on this one and how it’s performed and be proud!”

I’m already proud of Sally K. Norton and her book, Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload Is Making You Sick—and How to Get Better! Less than a month into publication it was already on its fourth printing—fantastic! More importantly, Sally’s work has already helped a lot of people reverse unexplainable pain, and this book is going to extend her reach. Learn more on Sally’s website, and find her book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, your local indie bookstore, and wherever books are sold.

Jim Whitehurst, President and CEO, Coastal AgroBusiness

Jim Whitehurst, blond white man
Making Sense of Money book cover, white background with a dollar bill house as the central image

“I can’t believe this day has come—a published book! Karin did a great job molding my raw clay into a finished piece. I was writing about a lot of subjects, and that took time and research. She patiently prodded me to keep making progress, and she brought all the topics together in a cohesive way—that is one of her real talents. She also helped me find the sweet spot in my audience. There’s something in the book for everyone, but knowing it is well suited for a younger audience helps tremendously with marketing. And when it came to publishing, she provided turnkey service. There are a lot of confusing details about the process that she explained clearly. And the book itself is beautiful. The Clear Sight Books team was just great! It is a gratifying feeling to have people read my book and have such positive feedback.”

Feel like you need a financial tune-up? Have a college grad who could use some financial grounding? Here’s the book. Making Sense of Money: How to Outsmart Inflation, Build Financial Security, and Leave a Legacy is now available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers.

Matthew Holten, social justice advocate

Moneyless Society book cover with bluish background, red type and a dollar origami butterfly

“I loved working with Karin. I tried two other editors first and didn’t get what I needed. When I got Karin’s initial critique, I knew she was the right person to work with. To be honest, her feedback was humbling, but I needed to hear it. The one line that stuck out was ‘There’s a book in here somewhere’—and then it took another two years to find the book and get it done! But she handled it all with kid gloves. I realized, ‘This is what a professional actually does.’

“Even more than a book-publishing process, it was a learning process. Working with Karin helped me internalize certain concepts so that in future critiques I can objectively say ‘Oh, I don’t agree with that’ or ‘Yeah, you’re right’ and not have it be a giant ego-bursting thing. And in my organization, I’ve started assessing our communications from the receiver’s perspective and offering more constructive feedback. So regardless of medium, I have learned to shape my message more effectively.

“In terms of the production of the book, I couldn’t be happier. When I hand it to people, they’re like, ‘Oh wow—this is a real book! You actually wrote a real book here, Matt!’ Yes! And we worked damned hard on it—the writing, the editing, the design. The whole team did a fabulous job. The book is beautifully constructed. Overall, for our goal, our audience, and our content, we nailed it.”

Moneyless Society is a challenging book (which we wrote about here). You might not agree with everything Matt says, but I suspect most people will get some ahas. Moneyless Society: The Next Economic Evolution is available online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers.

Tina Larsson, condo & co-op board consultant

Author Tina Larsson - blond white woman with a big smile wearing a yellow sweater and holding a phone
Cover of Living the High Life with blond white woman (author) in yellow sweater behind caution tape, with blue sky and New York skyline in the background

“Karin Wiberg is a rockstar!

“I worked with Karin on my book, and her knowledge and insights into the publishing world are top notch. She truly cared about making my book successful and made the journey easy and delightful. She’s thorough, highly knowledgeable, and professional, and offered endless handholding and support, with quick turnaround too.

“Highly recommend!”

If you live in a condo or co-op in New York City (or elsewhere for that matter), you won’t want to miss this book. Tina’s company, The Folson Group, saves co-op and condo boards hundreds of thousands of dollars. Living the High Life is now available on Amazon.

Marjorie Hudson, author, creative writing teacher

Marjorie Hudson headshot

“Karin’s gentle and firm coaching has completely transformed the business life of this creative and scattered writer and teacher. I learned bookkeeping! It turns out I kind of enjoy it. Karin’s method of regular meetings, assessments, and goal setting have helped me stay accountable to my goals, and she has been a compassionate guide for me on my hot button issues—money, fees, organization, communication.

“I’ve learned something quite profound: even a feisty, self-directed creative person needs help, all kinds of help, to run a business and achieve challenging goals. I’m learning to seek out and find help for all the things I’ve been putting off for years. I’m so looking forward to the leaps and bounds and transformations this year as I continue to work with her! I really don’t know why I didn’t do this before.”

After many years of writing and revision, Marjorie’s first novel was published in March 2023 by Regal House. Visit Marjorie’s website to learn more about Marjorie, Indigo Field, and her previous books.

Matthew Thomas Baker, spiritual teacher

“Special thanks to my editor and publisher, Karin Wiberg, for her dedication, enormous editorial talent, and commitment to the vision of creating a beautiful book. This book would not be what it is without her and her team at Clear Sight Books.”

This book might be one of the most intricate and beautiful books we’ve worked on, with gorgeous illustrations from Matthew Spencer. The Way of the Mystic-Wizard: A Guidebook for Creating a Nondual Shamanic Spiritual Practice is now available on Amazon, and you can read more about the spiritual work Matthew does on his website.

Jason Greer, consultant, rebel

headshot of Jason Greer
Book cover for Rearview Poetry with a steering wheel, dashboard, rearview mirror and the road ahead, in bright colors and angular shapes.

“Working on this book was a great experience. It was a lot of work, and I think I went through the manuscript thirteen times during the editing process, but I wanted to give it the respect it deserved. When I read the final book, it sounded like me—only so much better!

“I am thankful I did not try to do this on my own, and I am glad I had Karin and her team on my side. This is an accomplishment that I will look back on in life and always be proud of.”

This project was such an inspiration–what a journey and transformation. It made me take a second look at myself and wonder if I was living with the same gusto Jason does. You can find Rearview Poetry: Unraveling a Lifetime of Anxiety on Amazon and other online retailers.

Samrat Shenbaga, principal consultant

photo of Samrat Shenbaga
image of book cover: left half yellow, right half blue, with a black tie down the center

“One of my most enjoyable professional collaborations has been working with Karin in 2021 on my book Letters from an Accidental Optimist: Pandemic Notes on Life, Leadership, and Lifting Each Other Up. Karin converted what started as a weekend hobby for me into a real book and earned me the coveted title of Author! There are many cool things about Karin, but three especially stand out to me.

“Firstly, Karin is a trusted partner. She gave me objective and clear feedback during all phases of the writing process. Karin encouraged me to keep going at times when I would be tired and also gently guided me back if I started going too far astray.

“Secondly, Karin is an end-to-end expert from editing to publishing. This was my first time venturing into the land of book writing and had no idea what to expect. Karin guided me through every step of the process and patiently answered the multitude of naïve questions I threw at her. Her network of other experts from proofreaders to cover designers is incredible and each person excels at what they do.

“Lastly, Karin’s attention to detail to every aspect of the book was incredible to watch. There were many times I would say ‘That looks okay’ and she would react, ‘No, it’s not!’ I greatly appreciated that she treated the project like her very own.

“Most of all, working with Karin has been a whole lot of fun. I am not certain when I will work on another book. But if I do, I sure hope I will have to opportunity to work on it with Karin.”

While working on Samrat’s leadership-pandemic memoir combo, I kept thinking, “I would have been really happy to have a boss like Samrat during the pandemic!”—supportive, warm, and irreverent. Letters from an Accidental Optimist can be found on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and other online retailers.

Gerry Toledo, leadership guru and coach

Gerry Toledo headshot
Stop Executive Anarchy book cover; image of man opening suit jacket to show a brighter day dawning

“Despite my countless hours of writing and research, I was ill prepared to refine my manuscript into a cohesive volume that delivered the impact I sought. I knew I needed an editor, but I had no idea the depths to which the editing journey would take me. I did, however, realize that I needed to find someone with enough insight and experience to not only refine my manuscript but also help me release the death grip I had on my proverbial ‘darlings.’ Although I felt I knew what I was in for with regard to the editing process, I couldn’t have been more wrong.

“Enter Karin Wiberg of Clear Sight Books. After meeting with her, I got a good sense for her knowledge and experience. I felt at ease that my manuscript would be in good hands, but more importantly I got a good sense of her dedication to getting it right. She became the partner and collaborator that I needed. She took on the difficult task of compassionately telling me what I needed to hear. Her positive influence was instrumental in getting me past my own stubbornness and a key element to the project’s success. She is a consummate professional whose unmatched insight and assistance have been invaluable to completion of the manuscript. I can’t thank her enough for her diligence and dedication. I can’t wait to work with her on my next project.”

Gerry’s book, Stop Executive Anarchy: Become a Better Leader, Optimize Your Business, Improve Your Life, is now available on Amazon, and you can read more about Gerry’s coaching and consulting on his website. (And let me just say, we are very in sync on leadership philosophy!)

Janice Hawkins-Mitchell, Beatlemaniac and adventurer

Janice Hawkins-Mitchell headshot

“When I asked Karin to critique my manuscript, I’d already had two editors look at it, and they both thought it was fine, but I wasn’t convinced it was really ‘done.’ When Karin first sent me her feedback, I almost cried because it felt like there was so much more work to do.

“But she kindly and patiently helped me prioritize the work, and then coached me through the revision process. When the manuscript really was ready, she gave it a final editorial polish. Karin also helped me with my book proposal, and now I’m starting to query agents. My manuscript is lightyears better, I’ve learned a lot about writing, and I’m in a much better position to succeed than I was six months ago.

“Karin and I truly became a team—and we’re already talking about my next book!”

And not quite two years after Jan and I started working together, her story, My Ticket to Ride: How I Ran Away to England to Meet the Beatles and Got Rock and Roll Banned in Cleveland (A True Story from 1964), was published by Gray & Company Publishers. And it’s fantastic!

Sara Christiansen, HR consultant and social scientist

“You may call it karma, fate, or sheer randomness, but I believe people are divinely sent to intersect our lives at the times we need them the most. When I was writing this book, I googled how long is the average nonfiction book? I came across an article that answered my question eloquently. As I scrolled the text, I noticed the author’s picture. OMG, it was my childhood friend Karin Wiberg.

“Karin and I literally grew up together. From kindergarten to high school graduation, she and I shared most of life’s experiences. We were Girl Scouts in the same troop, we performed in chorus and jazz choir together, and we even worked alongside one another at Baskin-Robbins. After graduation, our lives went in different directions, but I thought of her often. So when I realized that Karin had founded her own publishing firm in North Carolina, I reached out immediately. She was exactly who I needed at the exact time I needed her. Not only is she now my publisher, but we have also renewed a valuable friendship. Thanks, Karin.”

What a pleasure to reconnect with Sara and have a chance to work together on her project! HR Leadershift can be found on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and other online retailers. Find Sara online at

Lloyd Griffith, coach and spiritual guide

“Karin is really a professional in terms of publishing and writing, but also an excellent coach.

“The best part of working with her was her encouragement and support. There were times I was ready to throw in towel, but Karin was just enough optimistic and hopeful to keep me pushing through. Her criticisms were gentle and right. She pushed me to think more and differently—to get out of flat writing and get some color into it. She helped develop me as a writer in what I could see about toning and deepening the characters and conversation.

“And a big plus was helping with the publishing piece—it’s a world I have no knowledge of. Taking the manuscript and running with it was a huge gift. I am so glad I finished this book and grateful to have Karin’s support. It’s been a wonderful experience for me.”

Lloyd’s book, Soul Force: A Story about the Rebirthing of Divine Presence in a Postmodern World, can be found on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and other online retailers. And he’s quite the coach himself. 🙂

Leslie Menard, business mentor, strategist, bookkeeper

Leslie Menard photo

“About five years ago and after about ten years of providing contract bookkeeping services, I had a thin idea floating through my head that I could write a book to help small business owners better understand their business accounting. I was seeing the same patterns of misunderstanding and basic mistakes from clients, and I knew the fix was relatively simple.

“I started writing, but at the point that it came time to move forward from the first draft, I knew I was in trouble. Taking complex subject matter and distilling what I know into something business owners can use was overwhelming. While I can work with business owners and, on instinct, experience, and intuition, sort out what needs to be done to elevate their businesses financially and functionally, I was at a complete loss with the book.

“After first contact with Karin, I knew she could help. Between gentle pushing, suggestions, guidance, and her wealth of knowledge and experience, she made this thing happen. She kept me on track and carried the whole process. And now, thanks to her, I am a published author. She understands writing, phrasing, formatting, and most of all, people. My author’s voice was kept intact, and the resulting book sounds just like me when I’m sitting next to a stressed-out client.

“I cannot imagine how any author could self-publish on their own and produce a professional, quality book without assistance. Karin’s eye for detail, her integrity, and her commitment carried me through to a published book of which I am proud. It absolutely would not have happened without her!”

Find Leslie online at Benchmark Business Services LLC; find Know Your Numbers on Amazon.

Stephanie Scotti, business speaking coach

Stephanie Scotti headshot
Talk on Water book cover

“When I first started working on my book, I wondered if had anything valuable to share. I wanted to do more than just write a book—I wanted to make a difference. My problem was the curse of knowledge: I’d been doing my work for so long that I’d become unclear about what differentiated me from other communication and speaking experts.

“Karin listened closely to how I work and gave me context and validation about what made me different: my attention to mindset and business results. And now readers are telling me that’s exactly what resonates most about the book. This insight and clarity has helped me connect better to myself, my message, and my audience. (If you read the book, you’ll understand the importance.)

“Karin’s integrity, her ability to capture my voice, her commitment to quality and continuous learning, her equally dedicated team… This book project wasn’t just a job—it was a commitment to my success, and it mirrored how I work with my own clients. If you’re just trying to get your book done, Karin might not be the best fit for you, but she’s the perfect fit when you are looking for excellence.”

Visit Professionally Speaking to learn how Stephanie helps business leaders prepare for high-stakes presentations. Find her book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online booksellers.

K.P. Haley, rancher, executive, lifelong learner

K.P. Haley headshot

“I tried two different companies to help me edit and publish my book. Neither lived up to their promises.

“Karin did.

“This book truly would not have gotten done without her. Her considerate way with people and skill with the written word helped bring this book to life. Thank you, Karin. You’re the best!”

K.P.’s book, Hammer Down, is available on Amazon and other online bookstores.

Mallika Paulraj, investing expert

Book cover for How the Best Invest

“I knew I needed to get this book done—I had all the material and my clients kept asking for it. But it just wasn’t happening, so I reached out to Karin for coaching.

“She gave me the plan, accountability, and encouragement I needed to focus and pound through the first draft in a fairly short amount of time. Her editorial comments went far beyond what I expected and really helped me structure my book with my readers in mind.

“I’ve so enjoyed working with her—and I am already planning my next book!”

Mallika runs London-based Four Minute Investing. Her book, How the Best Invest, is available on Amazon.

Alan Hoffler, speaker and communication coach

Alan Hoffler headshot
presentation sin book cover

“Hiring Karin put an amazing publishing team on my side.

“I got a project manager, setting dates, priorities, dependencies, and schedules. I got a business manager, someone who took the time to understand the bigger goals at stake and offer advice on integrating my content into the context of my business. I got a ghostwriter who managed some tough passages with my words even when I didn’t know I had words. I got an editor, who conjugated my verbs, undangled my participles, and cut the fluff to reduce my content by a third and still get the message out. I got a brand expert, who preserved my tone and voice while organizing content. I got a promoter in someone who connected me to larger audiences, and created materials that summarized and plugged my project. I got a print advisor with expertise in navigating the publishing tools we used.

“And even I had a cheerleader, celebrating my victories and giving me a pep talk when things got bogged down, providing me with the belief that I really could complete the book.

“I got this team all with one person. Simply put, my book never would have gotten published without Karin.”

Visit MillsWyck Communications to learn more about Alan’s services. Alan’s book, Presentation Sin, can be found on Amazon.

Maryann Locaparra (Patalano), New Thought leader

Maryann Locaparra headshot

“Karin has demonstrated an extraordinary caring and commitment to my project and my success. Her skills, insight and planning ability resulted in a project that was easy for me follow and understand. As an author, I consider Karin to be an invaluable resource in both the publishing side and the business side of the process. She is the complete package. In fact, I have already hired her to lead my next project!”

Maryann’s book, The Peephole Effect, is available on Amazon.

Becky Sansbury, speaker and consultant

After the Shock front cover

“The stories of crisis and resilience that I had observed and experienced over the years might have gone untold if it weren’t for my collaborator and editor, Karin. She gently drew out the raw information, then worked with me to shape it and put it on the page in a way readers would understand and embrace. Every revision better captured my voice and strengthened my message.

“Karin has an amazing talent for seeing the big picture and fitting the puzzle pieces together, while looking at the details to make sure each word does its job. She pushed and challenged me to create the best book possible. On top of all that she held my hand through the entire creative process, including those scary parts in the middle where a project can feel overwhelming and confidence can falter. Not only am I grateful, but so are the readers who describe my book as their guide through scary times, their virtual arms of comfort. Without Karin, that comfort might never have been available.”

Becky’s book, After the Shock, can be found on Amazon.

John McNeil, speaker and educator

John McNeil headshot
Breathe Freedom book cover

“After years of working on this book and having problems with a prior publisher, Karin helped me finally get it into the world.

“From the first time we met, she understood what I needed and I knew I could have confidence in her.

“She and her publishing company were amazing to work with, and I couldn’t be more grateful.”

Breathe Freedom is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online retailers. More information about John and his story can be found at

Jonathan Alcott, entrepreneur and philanthropist

Jonathan Alcott headshot
Wouldn't Have Missed It for the World book cover

“When I started writing my memoirs, I just started writing, which seemed like the normal thing to do, right? Wrong! After I had exhausted all the stories I could remember, I had pages that didn’t make for good reading. They lacked a storyline from beginning to end.

“I heard about Karin and arranged for her to get me back on track. She rearranged, pushed, pulled and cut until the book started taking shape. She had me write some additional lines in just the right places to broaden the stories.

“I really like what she did for me! I’m working on another book, and I hope Karin will be there!”

(And, look—FOUR additional books!)

Helen's Love book cover

Jonathan’s memoir is Wouldn’t Have Missed It for the World: Memoir of a Small-Town Boy Who Dreamed of Success and Achieved It. His short story collections include, Helen’s Love, On the Farm, The Road Up Ahead, and The Return. All his books can be found on Amazon. 

Orit Ramler, coach and consultant

Orit Ramler Szulik headshot
The Box of Life book cover--a box with photos and other memorabilia in it.

“I’m eternally thankful to my colleague who recommended Karin when I mentioned my intention to write a book. I’m not a writer, English is my second language, and writing a book was completely out of my comfort zone.

“As early as my first exploratory meeting with Karin, I got clear on which book I would write and, most importantly, I gained the confidence that I could do it. I’m now on the final stages of my book, and I know that it is all happening thanks to the support that Karin offered all along the way and the accountability she gave me towards my goal. Karin kept me on track, unstuck me when needed, provided me with wonderful editorial feedback, and inspired me with wonderful questions and great resources. Karin was a pleasure to work with, not only because she was pleasant, fun and my best advocate and cheerleader, but also because she was a great mentor from whom I’ve learned and who gained all my respect and admiration.

“When I’m thinking about my next book, I’m already thinking about Karin!”

Orit Ramler is a personal and professional coach. The Box of Life: A Guide to Living with Purpose and Preserving What Matters Most was published by Mascot Books in 2024, several years after our first meeting! It can be found at McIntyre’s Books, on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever books are sold.

Annelies Gentile, life and leadership coach

Annelies Gentile headshot
From Chaos to Calm book cover

“Writing this book was like wrestling a huge monster! I needed a team to get going, and a patient, kind, and methodical plan.

“I couldn’t have pushed START without Karin. She is so good at helping reveal the deeper context; she helped me get clear on why I was writing this book in the first place.

“Karin helps you take the whine out of writing a book—she’s a freakin’ rockstar!”

Learn about Annelies’s coaching practice at 

A. Charles, author and life coach

A. Charles headshot
Owning Ourselves book cover

“When I decided to go the self-publishing route in 2015, there were two things (and only two things) I knew from the start. One, I didn’t want to reinvent the wheel and make lots of rookie mistakes by doing this myself. And two, I didn’t want to be just another cog in someone else’s big self-publishing machine.

“Karin was the perfect solution and fit for me. She worked flexibly and closely with me throughout the editing, formatting and publishing process. She has a working network of related professionals (proof readers, graphic designers, etc.) who pitched in seamlessly to pull the finished product together in a timely and first rate style. With keen insights and gentle suggestions, Karin was able to help me transform my good book into a much better one. It was an amazing process.

“Currently I’m hard at work into my second book. I’m looking forward to working with Karin again to bring out its best.”

A. Charles’s book, Owning Ourselves, can be found on Amazon.

Eric Larsen, executive coach

Eric Larsen headshot

“As a coach myself, I appreciated Karin’s approach. What she brought in her specialty area (coaching writers) was an absolute difference-maker and something I had never experienced. Karin understands more than the grammar and style elements of writing.

“First, during our discovery session and kick-off call she helped me brainstorm ideas as well as discuss the various avenues for publishing a book. Then, during our VIP Day Karin helped me take these ideas and narrow them down to a coherent theme and set of supporting ideas that will make for a very good book. Her insights as to what was already available on bookshelves opened up my eyes to seeing where my book would fill a void that exists now. And she was instrumental in determining both the audience and the buyer for my book, an important distinction that I hadn’t considered.

“Finally, Karin’s detailed documentation of everything we discussed as well as her organization of my thoughts and concepts gave me the structure on which to build my book. Karin also offered several techniques that I have been using to keep this project moving forward. Her positive but firm attitude made all of this work a pleasure.”

Visit Larsen Group for more information on Eric’s executive coaching services.

Rachel Downey, business guide

“Writing a book is hard emotional work. I don’t know how anyone does it without a coach!

“Working with Karin gave me the accountability I needed along with the space to go through my own journey to vulnerably share my ideas in writing.

“She assured me my angsts were normal and that I would find my way.

“I look forward to putting my book out into the world!”

Rachel Downey is the Business Consultant for Wayward Entrepreneurs.

William Brown, coach, speaker, author

William Brown headshot

“When you go looking for something, you may find something else. When I first came to Karin, I thought I was ready to write a book. She quickly helped me realize I would benefit more from business coaching—there was a lot of “clearing” that had to happen.

“In our VIP Day we developed a solid draft business plan, and during our coaching sessions the dots got even more connected. I achieved a new level of clarity in putting things together, articulating how I work with my clients, and creating consistent messaging. I feel much more comfortable and confident now in how I approach different markets. Our time really set me up; now it is all about execution. I only wish I could hire Karin to stay around all the time!”

William can be found at

Linda Gupton, brand storyteller

Linda Gupton headshot

“When you’re writing about a subject that you know really well, it’s almost impossible to tell if you’ve said too much on one topic or not enough on another. Have you clearly explained a concept in a way a novice on the subject will understand?

“Karin provided an outside perspective to help me see my book through the eyes of my reader, identifying where the content was unclear, repetitive, or confusing.

“Every writer needs a great editor!”

Linda and her husband, Charles, help businesses tell their brand story through video, photography, and words. Visit, where you will find beautiful examples of the Guptons’ work. 

Van Carpenter, chief creative officer

photo of Van Carpenter

“As a creative person and coach myself, it is sometimes difficult to let people help me, particularly in deciding on business direction.

“Karin rescued me from my own complex and creative obfuscations and wisely led me down a path to clarity about what I wanted to do. She accomplished this with great listening skills, targeted strategic questions, and a special knack of knowing what I wanted despite what I was saying! She is a great mix of business strategist, coach, and trusted advisor.

“I heartily recommend Karin if you need coaching and advice to get ‘unstuck’ and start moving in a new business direction with clarity and purpose.”

Van can be found at

Betty Morton, leadership, life and spiritual coach

Betty Morton headshot

“Karin is helping me find my written voice—to move from literary shyness to boldly sharing my story and ideas.

“She is an insightful, respectful editor who brings my voice to clarity and lifts my writing to new levels.

“Karin is smart, and she works fast.

“I tell every emerging writer I know about her, and I recommend her without reservation.”

Betty is one of the most “present” people I know. If you’re in the market for a coach, learn about her practice at Rise Coaching LLC.

Neeta Mardia, attorney

“I knew my manuscript needed a critical eye on it. I got the impression from the outset that Karin would be objective and take a ‘no-holds-barred’ approach. I also considered whether it would make a difference that my audience is in the UK, not America, and determined that, objectively, this was not key to my choice of professional guidance.

“When I first received Karin’s manuscript critique, I really took a big step back to absorb all the content. She had clearly engaged with the full manuscript, and in particular my core message. Every comment made alongside my manuscript, together with her overview, I fully agreed with. It was a real wake-up call to understand that my manuscript had a lot of content, but that it lacked flow and structure.

“If I had submitted what I initially viewed as a complete manuscript to publishers, it would have been a big mistake. I’m really excited at now completing my book, and I feel much more confident putting forward my book proposal to publishers. I could not have arrived at this point without Karin’s help.

“What I really enjoy about working with Karin is that she doesn’t treat you, or your book, as simply a piece of work. She gives a personal, real connection and puts extra effort in to ensure your success.

“Particularly with your first book, you don’t want to just give your manuscript to anybody to read, as they say it’s a bit like your ‘baby.’ The baby felt in safe hands with Karin. I really can’t thank her enough. To start from a manuscript you are happy with and get to a manuscript you are elated with is a great journey.”

Neeta Mardia is a family law attorney in the UK.