Having trouble getting momentum with your book? Wondering how to stay motivated to write? Here are 5 tips I regularly offer my clients, including how to get the muse to show up at your writing desk.
Creative Satisfaction: Does Your Book Su...
When choosing book projects, consider your business strategy—and your heart strategy. Where do you get creative satisfaction? Why is it important to honor it? And how can you do that if heart and business are at odds? Read on!
Revision: You Mean I Don’t Have to Get I
Revision might be one of the most important steps in the writing process. It’s where you get things to work, you fix the problems, you make your writing good. Don’t worry—you don’t have to get the first draft right. Here are 3 bits of advice on writing and revision to light the way.
Opportunity Cost: What’s the Trade-off f
Opportunity cost calculations abound. We constantly make trade-off decisions concerning money and time. Which is most constrained for you? How do you choose? Here are some considerations.
Birthday Reflections on Finding Your Tru...
When an icon dies, when a milestone birthday approaches, the reflection begins: “Which traces do I want to leave in this world?” What traces will YOU leave? What part of your voice will resonate with future readers?
The Most DANGEROUS—and Promising—Time of
Tis the season of reflection and projection. The end of the year inspires self-criticism and unrealistic aspirations. Here’s my year-end advice: 3 simple steps that can position you to make big leaps in the year ahead.
Find Your Voice to Engage Your Readers
Writers often talk about “voice.” But what is voice, and why do so many of us struggle to find, develop, and trust our voice? Here are some suggestions on how to find and define YOUR voice to create a relationship with your readers, and how to trust your voice enough to let it be heard.
Lessons from a Poetry Submissions Party
Submissions, whether for individual poems or book manuscripts, can cause anxiety. Here are some lessons to help lessen the angst and sustain yourself through the process.
Purpose: The Starting Place for Strategi...
Why are you writing a book? Does its practical purpose support your business purpose and personal purpose? If not, take another look–alignment may ease your journey in 3 helpful ways.
What Writers Can Learn from Artists: Pra...
Writers can learn a lot from painters and visual artists. Here are two core principles that artists live by: practice and release. Try them on for size and notice a dramatic improvement in your writing process.
How to Stop the Overwhelm and Start Writ...
The idea of writing a book can overwhelm even experienced writers. To stop spinning and start writing, go back to process basics and follow these tips to tame the many options that contribute to overwhelm.
Love of Learning: Guide or Obstacle?
Love of learning is the guide of life, says a famous motto. But if we’re not careful, love of learning can become an obstacle. Consider these 5 questions to determine whether you need more learning… or if you can safely jump ahead.