Too little content? Too much? Lopsided content? This post explores how a simple spreadsheet can help you wrangle your book into being. Whether you’re just starting or nearing the end, adding some number-crunching to your wordsmithing can bring clarity and structure to your writing.
Proofreading Oversights You Don’t Realiz
You want to self-publish your book, but you don’t want your book to LOOK self-published. Do these proofreading oversights give you away? Yes? Learn how to fix them.
When the writing process feels hard, can...
Sometimes the writing process is easy; sometimes, not so much. Does it matter to the reader what your writing process is like? Learn why waiting to feel inspired before you write doesn’t really work.
Match Your Nonfiction Writing Approach t...
Choosing the correct writing approach for your nonfiction project—self-contained or emergent—can increase efficiency or relieve pressure. Here’s how.
Crisis Writing: Paying Attention To and ...
When we’re in crisis, whether societal or personal, writing about it can be tricky. Here are 3 considerations for your crisis writing, and how to decide whether it should be published.
Proofreading Tips, Tricks & Tools
Whether you’re writing a blog or a book, you want it to be clean and understandable. Here are 9 of my favorite editing and proofreading tips and tricks.
Getting Feedback on Your Book? Tips to D...
When getting feedback on your book, you decide what you’re looking for, who to ask, and how to use the feedback. This article reveals the single most important thing to remember about soliciting feedback.
Three Ways to Improve Your Writing throu...
The next time you think “I can’t decide,” “This is taking too long,” or “I’m not sure this is clear,” improve your writing by talking about it. This article outlines 3 major benefits of talking things through.
Self-Publishing? Avoid These Common Book...
When done well, book layout usually goes unnoticed. But when done poorly, it can be a potent detractor. Avoid these 3 common book layout mistakes.
Nonfiction Book Structures: Familiarity ...
Use common nonfiction book structures to give your readers a sense of familiarity so they can take in your information easily. Here are 4 to consider.
How Readers Choose Books: Lessons from J...
Your book does not need to be perfect to advance your business. But do understand how readers choose books and the impression you give with 4 ways that readers choose books.
Revision: What to Cut, What to Keep
Revision is as much about what to cut as it is about what to keep. These 5 tips help you assess your content and determine what to leave out.