The next time you think “I can’t decide,” “This is taking too long,” or “I’m not sure this is clear,” improve your writing by talking about it. This article outlines 3 major benefits of talking things through.
Self-Publishing? Avoid These Common Book...
When done well, book layout usually goes unnoticed. But when done poorly, it can be a potent detractor. Avoid these 3 common book layout mistakes.
Nonfiction Book Structures: Familiarity ...
Use common nonfiction book structures to give your readers a sense of familiarity so they can take in your information easily. Here are 4 to consider.
How Readers Choose Books: Lessons from J...
Your book does not need to be perfect to advance your business. But do understand how readers choose books and the impression you give with 4 ways that readers choose books.
Should you update your book? Maybe, mayb...
After your book is published, you may think, “Darn, I should change that…and this…and that.” Is updating your book the right move? And when do you call it a new edition? Here are some considerations and tips.
Fly Me to the Moon: Reigniting Inspirati...
Here we offer reflections on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing and doing the scary work. You’ll need these 3 things to do YOUR scary work.
Revision: What to Cut, What to Keep
Revision is as much about what to cut as it is about what to keep. These 5 tips help you assess your content and determine what to leave out.
In Praise of Deadlines: To Get Your Book...
Procrastinating on your book or some other big project? Sometimes setting a high-stakes deadline can give you the motivation you need to get it done. Here’s how–and why–it works.
How Short Can Your Book Be?
Sure, there are standards for book lengths in the various genres. But as an independent author, you get to choose–and you might want a shorter book. Here’s why, how to achieve “shorter,” and clever ways to format a shorter book.
KDP and IngramSpark Printing Options
This article looks at KDP and IngramSpark printing options: trim size, color vs. black and white, and paperback/hardback. Learn the sometimes subtle differences between platforms and how to plan for using both.
Emotion in Writing: Do You Need It?
Emotion in writing–is it really needed? Short answer? Yes. To connect with your readers and to get your message to stick, there must be emotional energy. Try these 5 ways to add emotion to your nonfiction writing.
KDP vs. IngramSpark: Which Publishing Pl...
KDP and IngramSpark: the two big print-on-demand services. Sometimes one, sometimes the other will do, but your best strategy may be to use both. Find out why, and check out several indispensable resources to calculate costs and print options.